"Mobility of the Future"
The Department of Internal Combustion Engines and Propulsion Technology of Széchenyi István University, in cooperation with the Technical Department of Audi Hungaria Zrt. invites you to the 22nd seminar series:
„Mobility of the Future”
Venue: Department of Internal Combustion Engines and Propulsion Technology
Every second Thursday, 17:00-18:00
Please forward the invitation to your direct colleagues.
Topic: Loss of lubrication in Helicopter Gears
Speaker: Dr.-Ing. Carsten Gachot (TU Wien)
Loss of lubrication in rotorcraft gearboxes has been investigated since 70s from the battlefield experiences especially in helicopter transmission technologies of that time.
In the past, expensive system level experiments were conducted in order to understand the severity of oil loss condition in helicopter transmission. Computer aided models were developed to simulate such environment to understand the performance of rotorcraft transmission components.
Research attempts were also made to mitigate the oil starvation condition using emergency or auxiliary lubrication system, which imposes additional weight on the payload.
Recent studies are more focused on improving the loss of lubrication conditions in terms of using materials and lubricants that are more stringent to operate under severe loading conditions.
This talk comprises most of the efforts carried before and current research activities especially on rotorcraft transmissions under loss of lubrication.
The participation is free and it is no pre-registration required.
We welcome all those interested, including the students of the Széchenyi István University and other universities.
Further information: Fanni Borsi, + 36 96 503 491 or borsi.fanni@sze.hu