"Mobility of the Future"
The Department of Internal Combustion Engines and Propulsion Technology of Széchenyi István University, in cooperation with the Technical Department of Audi Hungaria Zrt. invites you to the 22nd seminar series:
„Mobility of the Future”
Venue: Department of Internal Combustion Engines and Propulsion Technology
Every second Thursday, 17:00-18:00
Please forward the invitation to your direct colleagues.
Future emission and CO2 regulations lead to extremely demanding requirements for gasoline engines. These requirements are no longer limited to drive cycles, but to every drive situation a vehicle can do.
Such demanding targets raise the need for electrification of the drivetrain. On the other hand this electrification opens doors for further optimisation.
The presentation shows future emission legislation especially in Europe and its consequences. It focuses on current and new technology for gasoline engines to meet extremely demanding emission legislation such as the envisaged EU7 targets and efficiency levels even beyond current diesel engines. Technology described includes advanced charging, variable compression ratio, prechamber ignition and ultra high fuel pressure. An overview how such future engines interact with electrified drivetrains is given.
The participation is free and it is no pre-registration required.
We welcome all those interested, including the students of the Széchenyi István University and other universities.
Further information: Fanni Borsi, + 36 96 503 491 or borsi.fanni@sze.hu