Gábor Laki
Assitant lecturer
PhD student
Office: BMT 1.06
Email: laki.gabor@ga.sze.hu
Consultation: Tuesdays 12:30-14:00 upon prior request
- High dynamic engine testbench with vehicle simulation and emission measurement
- Friction reduction through laser textured surfaces
- Internal Combustion Engines 1. (BSc, language: English)
- Internal Combustion Engines 2. (BSc, language: English)
- Internal Combustion Engines II. (MSc, language: English)
- Internal Combustion Engines III. (MSc, language: English)
- Project 1. (BSc, language: English)
- Project 2. (BSc, language: English)
- Project Autumn (MSc, language: English)
- Degree work / Thesis consultation
- Conventional and CNC machining
- Camp Leaders American Summer Program
- Certified HVAC technician
- Wear behaviour of ceramic particle reinforced atmospheric plasma spray coatings on the cylinder running surface of internal combustion engines - ScienceDirect
- A Review on Friction Reduction by Laser Textured Surfaces in Internal Combustion Engines (jst.go.jp), 2022