Szakdolgozat témajavaslatok
A témák magyar, angol esetleg német nyelven is kidolgozhatók az oktatóval való megbeszélés függvényében.
Oktatók | Diplomamunka témák | BSc | MSc | ||
Nappali | Levelező | Nappali | Levelező | ||
Saját témával kérjük, keresse oktatónkat (munkanyelvek: német, angol) | |||||
Dr. Hanula Barna | Saját témával kérjük, keresse oktatónkat | ||||
Dr. Tóth-Nagy Csaba |
Drive pattern prediction for Hybrid Electric Vehicle control strategy optimisation | ||||
Hybrid Electric Vehicle control strategy optimisation using artificial inteligence | |||||
Hybrid Electric Vehicle simulation for racing applications | |||||
Simulation-based Architecture optimization of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle using Artificial Intelligence | |||||
Simulation-based Control Strategy optimization of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle using Artificial Intelligence | |||||
Modeling Global Energy consumption focusing on the utilization of electric and hybrid electric vehicle batteries as short-term energy buffers in leveling varying consumer needs | |||||
Life cycle analysis of the energy consumption of optimizing friction and wear in internal combustion engines | |||||
Experimental study of friction and wear in an internal combustion engine on friction measuring dynamometer | |||||
Virtual investigation of a hybrid electric vehicle connecting an engine dynamometer, an electric motor dynamometer, and a battery simulator | |||||
Examination of Driving habits - Drive patterns – Rout statistics of drivers with focus on HEV control strategy optimization | |||||
Paulovics László | Saját témával kérjük, keresse oktatónkat | ||||
Nagy András Lajos |
Investigation and characterization of secondary abrasive wear mechanisms
Goal: a catalogue of high-quality scanning electron microscope images should be put together, which gives insight into how surface parameters and load parameters influence the relation of micro-cutting to micro-ploughing. Requirements: a good command of the English language
Characterization of surface micro-textures through simulation
Goal: assessment of various micro-textures for laser surface texturing with respect to machinability. The effect of texture shape, size, depth and orientation, as well as density and isotropy should be investigated regarding its influence on friction under lubricated conditions. Requirements: a good command of the English language, prior experience with CFD simulation
Powertrain modelling with AVL Cruise and VSM
Goal: establishing a validated powertrain model for a selected heavy-duty vehicle, which is suitable for virtual vehicle simulation under variable environmental conditions. The model should include all relevant powertrain elements (e.g. engine, motor(s), gearbox(es), differential(s), suspension) and should be capable of running parametric studies to investigate the result of certain modifications. Requirements: a good command of the English language, prior experience with drivetrain simulation, basic programming skills in MATLAB and/or Python
Tóth Álmos Dávid | Saját témával kérjük, keresse oktatónkat (Javasolt tématerületek: tribológia, kenőolajok) | ||||
Laki Gábor | Saját témával kérjük, keresse oktatónkat | ||||
Pesthy Márk | Saját témával kérjük, keresse oktatónkat | ||||
Szabó Ádám István | Saját témával kérjük, keresse oktatónkat | ||||
Takács Richárd |
LP_EGR kondenzvíz jelenlétének hatásanalízise turbófeltöltők sűrítőkerekével való ütközés során |