Mobilität der Zukunft
Hiermit laden wir Sie herzlich zur zweiundzwanzigsten Vortragsreihe zur "Mobilität der Zukunft" des Lehrstuhls für Verbrennungsmotoren und Antriebstechnologie (BMT) an der Széchenyi István Universität in Győr donnerstags ab 17.00 Uhr ein. Die Vortragsreihe wird in Zusammenarbeit mit der Motorenentwicklung der Audi Hungaria Zrt. veranstaltet.
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Thema: Fuels for the future: electrons or molecules
Vortragender: Prof. Dr. Robert Schlögl (Fritz-Haber Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft)
In the evolution of mobility, it was decided at a very early stage to use molecules as energy storage medium and to discard the electric force. The reasons were the much superior energy density and the easier availability of molecular fuels as compared to electricity in batteries. The long and successful evolution of the combustion engines saw enormous progress in power, efficiency and also in environmental cleanliness.
Today we see that these advantages seemingly disappear behind unnecessary shortcomings in realizations of environmental protection and in the challenge of CO2 emission common to all elements of the energy system that use fossil fuels. The consequence is a renaissance of the electrical power train with much better performance and many advantages including zero local emissions. In a more systemic analysis, the e-mobility is by no means free of emissions and has massive implications on the design of sustainable energy infrastructures. In the foreseeable future the advocated CO2 savings will not occur, respective emissions are only re-distributed system-wide.
The presentation thus argues if the proper solution would not be a combination of both concepts. Electrical traction with its efficiency and many technological advantages can be combined with the unrivaled storage density of synthetic molecular fuels. If properly designed they can be used also without local regulated emissions ands act as system-wide storage solution for renewable energy that is used for their production.
The presentation exemplifies the concept, reveals the systemic aspects of mobility and its energy supply and gives some insight into the underlying chemistry needed to generate the synthetic fuels.
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