4th Tribology Conference of Győr

4th Tribology Conference of Győr

28th - 29th June 2016

With ever stricter emission regulations, the optimization of the tribological behaviour of contact partners inside internal combustion engines becomes more and more challenging. With this in mind, the Department of Internal Combustion Engines in cooperation with the Powertrain Development of Audi Hungaria Motor Kft. invites you to the 4th Tribology Conference of Győr.

Speakers from the field of research and development will present lectures concerning the minimization of friction and wear losses. Experts from universities, research institutes and the automotive industry will discuss methods of friction and wear reduction, and the recent advances in the metrology and numerical analysis of tribological phenomena in modern powertrains.

Please, visit our website www.gytt.hu for registration and for detailed information about the programme.




Beszélgess velem! 2025. Január 23. 17:00 - 18:00
Uni Győr Örömfutás 2025. Január 25. 09:00 - 10:00
UNI GYŐR ETO HC - SPO 2025. Január 25. 18:00 - 19:00